Letter from the President (Spring 2013)
Greetings Alpha Eta Alumni!
This past year was an exciting time for our ODK Circle at Georgia Tech. It was characterized by a resurgence of faculty/student interaction, increased ODK recognition on campus, and membership growth. The ODK officers have been inspired by the support we received from alumni and faculty members. Our ODK members, continued to impress me as they went above and beyond to serve our beloved Tech.
Omicron Delta Kappa was originally founded in 1914 by eleven students and three faculty members who met on a regular basis to discuss campus issues and the role they could play in their development. Our Circle is returning to these founding ideals through a faculty speaker series at our bi-weekly Circle meetings, alumni involvement in member professional development and the Georgia Tech Leadership Conference, and a faculty student mentorship program.
As our Circle expands its impact and recognition on campus, we have also grown in size. In the 2012-13 academic year we inducted nearly 40 new undergraduate members, twice as much as the previous year. Our Circle is currently composed of over 100 faculty and staff members at Tech and 60 undergraduate/graduate students. We are also in the process of inducting prominent Tech alumni who epitomize the ideals of the Laurel Crowned Circle.
I am proud to announce that the Georgia Tech Circle was recognized as a “Superior Circle” at the 2012 National Convention by the ODK National Office for our strong programming and steady membership. Furthermore, Alpha Eta Circle member, Melissa McCoy (ChemE ‘12), was chosen as the 2012 ODK National Leader of the Year for her extensive service to Georgia Tech, her founding of Enterprise to Empower, a social entrepreneurship organization, and her work with humanitarian startup, TOHL. This year we have nominated Brittany Mays for this award in recognition of her work to stop sex trafficking in Atlanta.
We look forward to further our impact on our campus and communities, and continue to uphold the ideals of Omicron Delta Kappa.
Thank you for your lifetime of dedication to the ideals of Omicron Delta Kappa.
In service,
Parker Vascik
ODK President – Alpha Eta Circle